Planning Ahead; What to consider when planning to quit the 9-5 and pursue the hustle full-time?

We’re CC&Associates, a financial advisory that helps people prepare for a financially successful future. Learn more about our services here.

Ditching the mind-numbing grind of the office and fully embracing your passion sounds like a dream come true, right? 

But before you jump headfirst into the excitement, let's get real and consider some important stuff.

Here are a few key things you need to think about:

Let's talk finances:

  • Take a good, hard look at the financial side of things. 

  • Hustle and compare that number to the number you make from your 9-5.

  • Simutantely, compare your monthly net income to your monthly expenses. 

  • Ask yourself, will your earnings cover your desired lifestyle and any unexpected curveballs that might come your way?

Next up, think about the growth potential in your digital empire. 

  • Have you analyzed the demand for your services in your target market? 

  • Have you thought about carving out a niche or focusing on a specific industry? If you have, is that industry sustainable? 

  • You’ll need to determine if there's room for expansion and if you can scale up your business as you build your client base.

But let's not forget the thrill of diving headfirst into uncharted territory. 

  • Take risks, but not reckless ones.

  • Get yourself well-informed and be ready to adapt to the ever-changing online world. 

It’s so important that you make time to keep up with the latest trends, and master new platforms, as an entrepreneur, to consistently keep your clients happy. 

At the end of the day, it's your call… 

But my advice?

Don't rush into it blindly. 

Weigh the risks, gather knowledge, and trust your gut. If your really passionate and put in the effort required, then no matter what you’ll be successful.

Trust yourself to know its the right time to take the leap. 

To recap:

  1. Calculate how much income your making from your 9-5 and your social media management hustle.

  2. Compare your net monthly income to your monthly expenses. 

  3. Evaluate your expenses to ensure they will cover your desired lifestyle and any unexpected curveballs that might come your way.

  4. Analyzed the demand for your services in your target market? 

  5. Carve out a niche or focusing on a specific industry? If you have one, is that industry sustainable? 

  6. Determine if there's room for expansion within your service offering and the ability to scale up your business as you build your client base.

  7. Evaluate your passion and work ethic to ensure your dream becomes a reality. 

Need advice?

Book a call with us here, where we’ll answer all your questions regarding budgeting, investments, and/or insurance.

Good Luck,



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